07 de novembre, 2012

Meet the Artist: China Moses

China Moses debuta a Catalunya el dissabte 17 de novembre (Artèria Paral·lel, 21.00 hores). Serà un debut que es recordarà, perquè aquesta cantant francoamericana és de les que trepitgen fort. Hi presentarà el seu primer disc per Universal, Crazy Blues!, un homenatge a les cantants que van influenciar o que van ser influenciades per Dinah Washington, la protagonista del seu anterior enregistrament.

Ho explica ella mateixa.

Life stories
By China Moses
After sharing our love for Dinah Washington for the past 6 years, it was
only natural for Raphaël Lemonnier and me to explore her influences and
those who she influenced directly or indirectly. Our new repertoire starts
in 1920 and ends in the late 70's. During our show, we pay hommage to Ma
Rainey, Bessie Smith, Lil' Green, Janis Joplin, Nina Simone, Helen Humes,
Billie Holiday. It's not only the pleasure of playing together that drives
us... It is also the life stories behind the music, behind these jazz and
blues greats.
Heus aquí un tast de Crazy Blues, una poderosa versió de Why Don't You Do It Right, de Janis Joplin.